Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hamlet’s Construction of Sanity Essay

In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet many characters appear to suffer from what appears to be mental instability, most notably Hamlet, Ophelia, and Gertrude. The apparent â€Å"madness† of these characters develops and drives the plot, which results in the play’s tragic ending. It is the reader’s responsibility to decipher which characters are actually mentally ill and which are merely pretending. Furthermore, it is important to keep track of which characters believe other characters are mentally ill. The most important of these is Gertrude, Polonius, and King Claudius’ belief that Hamlet is mad. Gertrude’s suspicion is confirmed by Hamlet’s slaying of Polonius and then shortly after his discussion with the ghost of King Hamlet, whom his mother cannot see. Shortly after the ghost leaves, Hamlet tells his mother, â€Å"No, in despite of sense and secrecy,/Unpeg the basket on the house’s top. /Let the birds fly, and like the famous ape,/To try conclusions, in the basket creep/And break your own neck down† (III. IV. 196-200). In this passage Hamlet instructs his mother to tell King Claudius what has happened. When Claudius discovers the apparent madness of Hamlet this begins a large series of events that leads to the death of all of the main characters. The above passage uses a simile, personification, and a pun to draw the reader’s attention to its importance. The most noteworthy of the figurative language comes in this line, â€Å"Unpeg the basket on the house’s top† (III. IV. 197). The line instructs Gertrude to reveal to Claudius the events that just transpired. However, to â€Å"unpeg† â€Å"the houses top† is a pun, which refers to tricking Claudius (the houses top) into believing that Hamlet is indeed insane. This line is followed by a simile: â€Å"Let the birds fly, and like the famous ape/To try conclusions, in the basket creep† (III. IV. 198-199). According to the footnotes, the story of the famous ape is no longer known, so it is impossible to understand the allusion and what comparison Shakespeare is trying to make. However, it is presumed that the audience of the day would understand the reference. For modern reading it simply shows the reader it is an important passage because of the use of figurative language. In addition, it is important to notice the use of the word â€Å"basket† in this passage. The line, â€Å"Unpeg the basket on the house’s top† (III. IV. 197) appears to be a saying similar to â€Å"letting the cat out of the bag† i. e. revealing a secret or telling Claudius what happened. Moreover, the second use of basket seems to refer to Claudius’s mind or head. This strengthens the pun uses earlier in the â€Å"houses top† by referring to what Claudius is thinking, or should think about Hamlet. The above quote sets up a huge piece of dramatic irony in the play. The audience is aware that Hamlet is not truly insane because they have seen the ghost and understand Hamlet’s intentions. However, Gertrude and Claudius are unaware of this and merely think that Hamlet has gone mad. This prompts Claudius to banish Hamlet and ask the King of England to execute Hamlet upon his arrival in England. Upon Hamlet’s return to Denmark the king makes new plans to kill Hamlet, which results in the deaths of Gertrude, Claudius, Hamlet, and Laertes. The use of figurative language in the above passage helps to drive the dramatic irony in the play. Hamlet wants his uncle, King Claudius to believe he is mad. The line, â€Å"To try conclusions, in the basket creep† (III. IV. 199) refers to Hamlet’s desire to trick Claudius into thinking he is mad. Hamlet wants Claudius to come to the conclusion the Hamlet is insane, although he really is not, so Hamlet can achieve his revenge. This passage is extremely important to the action of the play. These lines set up the action for the rest of the play and incite Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, and Laertes to take action in some way or another. It is here that Shakespeare begins to set up for the dramatic denouement where all the main characters die. The actions of Hamlet coupled with the dramatic irony that Shakespeare is establishing make these lines extremely important to the outcome of the play. Shakespeare’s use of figurative language here draws the reader’s attention to the importance of these lines.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Explore the similarities and differences between the three examples of speech Essay

Explore the similarities and differences between the three examples of speech, including a consideration of the different contexts in which the texts were produced and how the speakers convey attitudes and values. Text A was both published and delivered by David Lloyd George as a speech in 1914. ‘The great pinnacle of sacrifice’ is a text of persuasion in support of the war. It does not have the benefit of hindsight that we have today, which allows us to establish a context an audience of 1914 would not have been able to do. Lloyd George opens with the concrete noun â€Å"The people†, this puts everyone into a metaphorical firing line, underlining the purpose that everyone will benefit from going to war. â€Å"Great menace† and â€Å"Freedom† are superlative noun phrases that are juxtaposed to reinforce the opinion that by going to war all unpleasant necessities will be avoided. Lloyd George uses the declarative â€Å"That is not all†; this emphatic, simple sentence shows he doesn’t allow room for interpretation, which is typical of political speech. He uses the collocation â€Å"new† and â€Å"old† in an attempt to rank all members of society together as an act of capturing this equal status. He continues with the comparative adjectives â€Å"richer/nobler† suggesting how life could be as a result, making the future seem rosy. Lloyd George refers to imagery taken from the Bible â€Å"Great food of luxury†. He uses this metaphor to explain something complicated. By evoking this biblical imagery of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ he is making use of intertextuality to reach the audience on a higher emotional level that his expression alone could never master. David Lloyd George continues to raise hopes and ideas of the future by using the inclusive modal verb â€Å"we can see†; this is clearly an indication of him trying to heighten hope in the situation with talk of new possibilities. Again he uses a modal verb â€Å"May†, this politeness marker allows him to gain encouragement through civility. This passive form of verbs makes the audience realise it’s their responsibility. He reinforces this action with the repetition of â€Å"too†, how far Britain has let things slip, not concentrating on wider things. He also continues with the religious lexis by incorporating a parable into his speech. This gives a higher prominence to the speech by creating a gentle atmosphere. Lloyd George successfully reinforces his discourse with this illustrated spiritual truth, allowing him to justify his words, as if it’s ‘God’s Will’. He then renders a personal feel to the piece by using concrete nouns â€Å"mountain† â€Å"sea† for the audience to crate a visual atmosphere; â€Å"beautiful valley† he is referring to Britain metaphorically, underpinning the fact that we should not turn a blind eye. â€Å"Hand†, they will be cleansed of all bad things at the time. The images following this is vital to David Lloyd George’s speech, his use of informal words, sentences, convergence results in bringing them closer together makes him, his speech and ultimately the war seem less intimidating. The audience is a variety of social classes, certainly adults and David Lloyd George’s use of the polysyllabic lexis towards the end creates his intended aim. The use of pre-modifiers and superlatives create a sense of euphoria, he is using them to rouse people up. He does not hide the fact that people are going to die, but he covers it up by calling it a sacrifice, this is one of many euphemisms he uses to create passion and intensity in his speech. Towards the end his innotation and stressed syllables becomes more frequent and his passion increases. His speech is obviously non-spontaneous, there are no non-fluency features, which is typical of political speech. He needs to achieve maximum effect through his language, therefore there is no room for mistakes. There are stages that his language goes through. Abstract nouns start the speech with a form of negativity, which progresses to end on a positive note. From â€Å"struggle† to â€Å"honour† and â€Å"glory†. It therefore succeeds in its purpose to inspire. Text B is from the final episode of the comedy series ‘Blackadder Goes Forth’. Scene two: The Dug-Out contains the three main characters of the series; Blackadder, George and Baldrick, whose status is in the same order. They each successfully create black humour towards the satire of the piece, reinforcing it’s main purpose to entertain. The audience would have been expected to have prior knowledge to the screening of Blackadder in 1992. Their familiarity with the Thatcher situation of the 1982 Falklands War allows them hindsight to the broadcasting of the programme; Giving the audience the opportunity to enjoy the black comedy. The extract opens with spoken language and the manner is both formal and informal. The informality is marked by the co-ordianting conjunctions in Baldrick’s speech; â€Å"So†, â€Å"And†, he is topic linking. Plus his repetition of â€Å"Right?† creates a sense of understanding. His phatic /child-like language is a satirical point that Baldrick doesn’t understand what is happening (the war). The formality of the text is indicated through the military lexis, Baldrick’s utterance; â€Å"Permission to ask a question, sir† The vocative again consolidates the fact that Baldrick is the inferior character. The field specific lexis allows us an insight to the visual aspect of the situation; â€Å"war started†, â€Å"shot† â€Å"history† â€Å"prevent†. There is a great deal of uncertainty in their speech; â€Å"isn’t it?† â€Å"right?† â€Å"well† these interrogatives again mirror how peo ple in their position would have felt: confused. The context is juxtaposed for the affect of the audience. The comedy value is played against the military content of the scene. Status plays a big part in this as Blackadder’s superiority enables him to act sarcastically and be exceedingly patronising towards George: â€Å"George, I hardly think we can be entirely absolved from blame on the imperialistic front.† His relaxed innotaion is highly demeaning, he wants to deflate George to reinforce his position of superiority. His inferior/ sarcastic humour is used best with George through the hyperbole â€Å"(small) sausage†, the emphasis placed on the alliteration also adds to the comedy. When speaking to Baldrick his patronising attitude is less abrupt, he somewhat creates a father/son relationship; â€Å"Well possibly† the convergence shows that Blackadder is making the distance smaller between them by letting Baldrick down gently, this also creates a teacher/pupil relationship, Blackadder sees himself as an educator, maybe this is an easier option. Blackadder’s paralinguistic features show how he treats Baldrick with contempt: â€Å"As long as it isn’t the one about where babies come from.† This is humorous, but also making a veiled connotation to Baldrick’s intelligence (maturity-childlike). Blackadder is de-meaning him for his audience. Whichever way Blackadder places his patronising attitude whether it is tentative or demeaning he his only after his official goal; to obtain and prove his superior rank to the audience. Baldrick’s total lack of understanding and through his connective declarative; â€Å"So, the poor old ostrich died for nothing† proves he has learned nothing and produces a more comical affect as his statement is not connected at all to George’s last utterance. George uses fairly racist, harsh language; pre-modifier â€Å"vile†, which British soldiers would have used at the time and the fact that he is totally un-shocked by Blackadder’s expletive language â€Å"It was bollocks† (which would have shocked audiences at the time) allows us to feel a slight pity towards his passion in his order in rank. George’s patrism makes a slight insight to his idiotism; â€Å"Henry VIII and his Six Knives†. The fact that these three characters with their different status in society have been stuck together for a long time creates the humorous content needed to steer clear of the harsh reality of a War, I feel it’s main purpose is therefore to entertain. Text C is an extract of spoken language and the manner is formal as it is three educators discussing the affects of both WWI and II. The formality is marked through the subject specific lexis; â€Å"†Second world war† â€Å"first world war† â€Å"German† â€Å"Hitler†. On the contrary the extract does not contain a title or specific names this suggests a familiarity between the speakers, highlighting an informal manner on the conversation. The conversation revolves around turn taking and object of male and female roles is then looked at in greater depth. MP initiates the conversation; â€Å"it seems to me† the use of the first person pronoun suggests his need to express his opinion first. JD corrects MP throughout the conversation and dominates him with his knowledge and understanding of the subject. This is expected as JD majors in History. MP’s use of fillers; â€Å"um† and one-second pauses prove his speech to be less detailed than JD, due to his lack in subject knowledge. MP’s repetition; â€Å"imponderables (.) Um (.) vague imponderables† is very characteristic of a spontaneous conversation and this is reinforced by his nature to interrupt. LT, being the only female turn taker, is slightly mistreated as her turns are rather like interruptions or comments. However she does disrupt the male on male battle by responding and supporting her opinion, ultimately for the affect to assert her inferiority. â€Å"Opposed to you know†, nevertheless her informal utterance indicates her lack of confidence suggesting she does need reassurance, which may be true of ‘typical women in conversation’. The extract is very much Fact versus Opinion. JD is the biggest turn-taker as he is the more confident speaker in subject knowledge. Unlike MP his long utterance clearly has strong opinions, but he uses fact. Emphasis in JD’s long utterance is always words that explain ideas, suggesting he is used to explaining concepts, reinforcing his ability as a teacher. This is true for all three speakers, as the piece does not contain many informal remarks, suggesting their ability to talk passionately about a topic. â€Å"Was about 1911, 1912 when they had some crises with the British and French to 1918†, JD’s complex use of figures stress the fact that his points are substantial however MP overlaps his turn, signifying him as the principal speaker. MP’s overlap occurs due to a male on male debate, they are both competing for talk-time, in spite of this JD’s complex and detailed utterances indicate his own passionate attitude reinforcing his position as the dominant speaker. Thomas completes JD’s sentence, again suggesting a familiarity; â€Å"it just provided them with the opportunity didn’t it†. The topic loop forms closeness between them rather than a form of ignorance that can be shown between both male speakers. LT’s inferior position is again obtained through her use of a rhetorical interrogative. It is a tag question, not only proving her lack of confidence but also accentuating a stereotype of war and men. From this extract it is shown to be true that men speak more in groups then women, although all speakers have the ability of hindsight. The purpose I feel is highly informational, and the ideas raised prove it is a conversation of opinions, thus status. Both Blackadder and Teacher Speech create a formal and informal manner. Their informality is marked through the familiarity between characters; Baldrick and Blackadder (father/son relationship) and teachers; LT and JD (use of topic loops). Baldrick’s informal manner may be related to the audience of David Lloyd George’s speech; the uncertainty in his speech â€Å"isn’t it?† â€Å"right?† mirror how his audience would have felt: confused. Lloyd George uses biblical imagery to his own effect, by the use of a parable he is able to reach his audience on an emotional level, Blackadder and Teacher’s Speech differs, as their field specific lexis is both resting on the military aspect. However, there is a similarity between Lloyd George and Blackadder as they both try to cover up the actual harsh reality or the War; Blackadder – through black humour and Lloyd George – through biblical language. Teacher’s Speech is very much Fact versus Opinion, this may be said for all three texts. Lloyd George has an â€Å"opinion† and through his use of concrete nouns â€Å"the people† and religious imagery â€Å"food of luxury† he is able to persuade his audience in support of the war. On the contrary, Balckadder uses â€Å"fact† his speech to obtain superiority over the two characters, making his utterances more believable. However George speaks of his â€Å"opinions† and his harsh, racial attitude makes seem appear displeasing to an audience of today. However an audience of Lloyd George’s time would have related to his anger. Blackadder uses his knowledge to form a patronising attitude, to ultimately obtain his rightful status, JD in the same way uses his knowledge and understanding of the field specific lexis to obtain his superior status; utterances does not contain many informal remarks suggesting his ability to talk passionately about a topic and finally Lloyd George uses no non-fluency features, typical of political speech in order to raise his status over his audience. The main difference between all three texts is their purpose. I feel this may be because of the dates in which each text was created. David Lloyd George is the earliest of the three and this is not only clear through his strong use of biblical imagery, but his main aim to uplift and ignite positivity in his audience, who do not have the benefit of hindsight. Therefore its purpose is to inspire. Blackadder is next on the time-scale and the audience of 1992 are able to have hindsight and are therefore able to understand the black humour towards the satire of the piece. Hence it’s main purpose to entertain. And finally Teacher’s Speech has an informational purpose, containing ideas and opinions that only the benefit of hindsight would allow us to summon and understand. It is acknowledgeable that through the passing of time, a subject from long ago may still be discussed and has the same ability to cause confusion and passion in the lives of people everywhere. The people of 1914, Lloyd George’s Speech, may have had different views or opinions to an audience of 1992, Blackadder and present day, Teacher’s speech, but the topic of the effects of the War is still as easily roused now as it was then. The people of today are able to obtain the same passion as the people of 1914, seeing that their lives would not be the same if the older generations of their family hadn’t fought so bravely and created that passion to begin with. Time is not an excuse to lose acknowledgement and enthusiasm.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Minimum age for social networking sites Research Paper

Minimum age for social networking sites - Research Paper Example In this case, â€Å"inappropriate† means that the dangers outweigh the benefits of having an account on one of these sites. There are many dangers associated with these SNSs. One of the dangers is that these social networking sites often display sexual content. A content analysis of MySpace in 2006 found that 59% of the profiles on that site had photos that were sexual or risque, while 56% of the profiles had at least some profanity in them (Nyland, et al., 2007). Moreover, there is a general fear that sexual predators are lurking on-line – a 2008 study revealed that 4% of young people encountered unwanted sexual advances on an SNS (Ybarra & Mitchell, 2008, p. e350) - although at least one commentator believes that this fear is overblown, and that tech-savvy teenagers have found ways to thwart these predators by adjusting their privacy settings and their on-line behavior (Tynes, 2007, p. 582). Cyberbullying, which is defined as repeated harmful contact that is perpetrated by cell phone, e-mail or through an SNS, is another danger that young people may face on these sites (Mesch, 2009, p. 288). At the same time, there is evidence that young adults – ages 18 through 25 – benefit greatly from these websites. Research indicates that this is the period of life where long-term social skills are developed, skills that are essential to develop relationships and find careers. SNSs are important in this development, as they help the young person find new relationships and strengthen existing ones (Steinfeld, et al., 2008, p. 435). These relationships are integral in attaining â€Å"social capital,† which refers to the benefits an individual receives from his or her social connections, and develop psycho-socially (Steinfeld, et al., 2008, p. 435). Part of this development is the fact that shy young people often do not feel the same sense of awkwardness and shyness on-line that he or she feels in the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

HR Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HR Management - Essay Example In the case of human resource management in the hospitality industry, it is necessary to take into account the vulnerability of hospitality employment across the globe. This causes it to be subject to regulation in areas such as miminum wages (Lucas 2003). The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) indicates that the tourism and hospitality industry is an important employment sector in both developed and developing countries. It provides over 230 million jobs, or 8.7 percent of jobs worldwide. However, there are concerns pertaining to the type of employment experience within the sector, with pessimistic views of human resource management practice based on nature of the labour market and the reliance on â€Å"marginal† workers (Nickson 2007). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to critically review the notion that the management of human resources in the hospitality industry differs from other industries. ... volvement and participation schemes, and in union work places including negotiations between management and union representatives over decisions affecting the employment contract (Bratton & Gold 2001). Human resource management is an organizational core competency, it has a unique capability that creates high value and distinguishes an organization from competitors â€Å"in areas such as productivity, quality/ service, employee skills, and innovative changes† (Mathis & Jackson 2010: 31). Human resource management uses human capital, which is the collective value of the capability, knowledge, skills, life experiences and motivation of an organizational workforce. The responsibilities of human resource personnel can be grouped as â€Å"strategic human resource management; equal employment opportunity; staffing; talent management; compensation and benefits; health, safety, and security; and employee and labour relations. Human resource management is a vital part of organizationa l culture and plays a significant role by impacting human values, competitive advantages and global cultures. Key outcomes include increased productivity and fulfillment of organizational social responsibility. Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry â€Å"Different economic, social, legal and political factors create particular cultures and diverse employment systems† (Lucas 2003: 1). Membership of hospitality industry employees in trade unions is low, though in some countries collective agreements cover all workers. The approach towards providing good quality service is improving human resource practices. This debate is underscored by a number of theories of human resource management which form a framework for the strategies employed by tourism and hospitality organizations. It is

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Equal Rights vs. Economic Restructuring Assignment

Equal Rights vs. Economic Restructuring - Assignment Example I particularly agree with Kollontai’s assertion that until economic inequalities are changed, nothing will really change and no, granting women the rights of suffrage, property ownership, wage ownership, and legal citizenship has not totally eliminated inequality. The assertion of Kollontai and Goldman are valid and in fact already practiced today and connected in a manner that childcare support from the state allows greater economic independence for women because it gives them the freedom to pursue their careers. This is however simplistic because childcare support and economic freedom does not automatically end inequality and discrimination against women. To eliminate inequality, the sense of justice should be present in all dimensions of society from the home, workplace to society at large. For example, to end inequality, husband and wife should treat each other as equals and therefore will take parenting and marriage as shared responsibility. It meant that the wife will not have to cook and serve the husband after work and it can be done by either party who has the time and energy to do it. In the workplace, it meant ending discrimination in all its forms from unequal wages to unjust treatment of pregnant women. This should also transcend to society at large where women should be seen not just as wives and housekeepers but an important part of societal

Monday, August 26, 2019

Governor Deval Patrick-Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essay

Governor Deval Patrick-Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Essay Example Patrick is much concerned with education and that is his main reason of funding the public education at the highest level in the history of the common-wealth. Governor Patrick also made his state to be the leading in biotech, biopharmaceuticals and information technology. Issues of infrastructure and expansion of affordable health care were solved by Governor Patrick. Massachusetts home through the Governor managed to be the first state to have offshore wind farm. These amazing performances made the people of his state to describe him as a high (Strong) performing culture leader (Lussier & Achua, 2013). Governor Patrick as a person who grew up in a poor family, he understands in detail most of the problems the members of society are facing. For this reason, he must be strict to issues related to society such as leadership. As a matter of facts, we all see the Governor financing public school education at the top level in the past of commonwealth that later emerged top in the national competition (Lussier & Achua, 2013). Education according to him was the main key point to success to a child into adulthood. Governor Patrick and his administration embraced variety of ideas that could help to boost the living of residents who elected him (Lussier & Achua, 2013). Almost 98% of residents could get access to affordable medical care assistance. The administration through the support of the Governor also ensured that the state is entitled to good leadership, modernized infrastructure and quality education. It is clear evidence that Governor Patrick represents in him some core principles of leadership. First, we get to find Patrick growing up in a broken home and in poverty where most of the advices he got were from his teachers and the grandmother where he was being told to hope for the best and work for it (Lussier & Achua, 2013). Patrick’s academic career in Harvard made ways for him. As a student, he was elected as an assistant attorney general for

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Regulation and Management in the Global Economy Case Study

Regulation and Management in the Global Economy - Case Study Example 10 defines company provisions for leadership structure of the board of directors whereas sub-section A.2 has clearly explained division of responsibilities between head of the board and the executive officer. The code states that the office of chairman and chief executive officer should not be held by the same individual and this detachment of roles must be set out in writing. In contrast to the principles of UK corporate governance code, 2010; Imola plc is practically in violation of these principles. The role of the chairman has only been restrained at leading the board for effectiveness in setting agenda for board meetings and in constructing relations between executive and non-executive directors. Despite the fact that code constrains chief executive officer to be the chairman of the board but in exceptional cases major shareholders must be consulted in this endeavor which in case of Imola plc can only be justified as an exception only if the major shareholders have also been con sulted in advance to the appointment. Provided the company performance and restructuring, the decision for appointing same person as chairman and chief executive officers seems clear violation of duality clause of the corporate governance code. Section 2 of the corporate governance code, 2010 stipulates some principle regarding the effectiveness of the board, of which composition of the board has been defined in sub-section B.1 of the code, 2010. Sub-section B.1 states that the board of directors must be composed of individuals from diverse areas of expertise so that balance of skills and experience could be maintained efficiently and should be based upon sufficient member size for better management, monitoring and evaluation. Imola plc has successfully implemented this principle by maintaining sufficient size board and directors from diversified backgrounds (Clarke & Branson, 2012). What Imola plc has failed to implement is the balance between executive and non-executive board

Saturday, August 24, 2019

BUKE'S AND MERCHANT'S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BUKE'S AND MERCHANT'S - Essay Example The reason of this decline was nothing but protest form people putting at disadvantage from the coming technology. But the change came by itself, only by interaction of one factor with another. Merchant described scientific revolution as a change in scientist’s perspective to explore nature and attempt to use it for the betterment of society. Merchant believed that the scientific revolution was in fact the death of nature because scientists so deeply infiltrated with the nature of life that they became cause of death of the actual nature of life. Merchant also described scientific revolution as the desire to dominate nature by scientists and put an end to the image of Nature as a loving caregiver. As the revolution increases by, the concepts of healing, bringing life and changing life became controllable and alterable and hence put Nature as a resource in the society. Merchant also described this process as men dominion to women who were driven into submission and put them under men’s

How to be Creative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

How to be Creative - Essay Example All animals do possess brains, and have been provided with varying levels of creativity by nature. A sparrow’s nest differs in style and capacity from that of an eagle. A honey bee stores honey in tiny pores. Likewise, rabbits dig holes in the earth to make their tunnels. All of these are signs of creativity in non-human living beings. The fact that humans are the most creative among all living beings can be estimated from the fact that all development in the world is the result of the discoveries of humans. Humans discovered ways to fly not only in the air, but also to float in the space. Humans constructed skyscrapers, invented trains and ships, and developed satellites that record information 24/7. From the first day man was sent on the Earth till today, man has been creating things that would facilitate him and improve his standard of living. The world in which we live today is much different form the way it was few centuries back. Rapid industrialization and advancement i n the field of science and technology has brought an altogether change in the life on Earth. All of this is not the result of the efforts of a single person, community or a group of people. Instead, all human beings have been playing their respective roles in developing the modern world from time to time. The modern world is the outcome of creativity of all human beings. Therefore, there is no doubt in the fact that creativity is a naturally occurring phenomenon and occurs in all living beings, but varies in extent depending upon the level of sharpness and intelligence. This paper discusses some of the ways in which creativity can be improved. Creativity as a necessity of modern age: Competition in the contemporary age has grown manifolds in all fields as compared to the past. With the increase in general awareness, people have become highly educated in order to make full use of the emerging opportunities. This has increased the competition in the market scenario. Business entrepren eurs are looking for ways to be more and more creative and innovative in their approach so as to gain competitive advantage over their parallels in the market. It would not be wrong to say that creativity is the need of the hour in the current business practices. This has generally raised the interest of people in creativity and ways and means are being suggested on organizational level in order to improve individuals’ creativity. The concept of creativity: In order to find out ways to increase creativity, it is customary to discuss the basics of the concept of creativity. Creativity is neither something that can be created nor can it be called as an event that would happen occasionally. Instead it is within ourselves and needs to be explored. It cultivates in human mind and nurtures as we go through various experiences in our life. It slowly shows up in our thinking as we mature. â€Å"There is virtually no problem you cannot solve, no goal you cannot achieve, no obstacle y ou cannot overcome if you know how to apply the creative powers of your mind, like a laser beam, to cut through every difficulty in your life and your work† (Tracy cited in Kotelnikov). Creativity is more often than not, an involuntary action. An individual can not intentionally raise his/her level of creativity at a particular point in time when he/she might need it the most. Creativity can not be invited.